#1 problem for a VP/CEO is… bad metrics.

An SDR online shared they booked 15 meetings/mo => The CEO thinks that’s great => Makes it the standard => AE can’t fill their pipe => Goals are misaligned => Team is upset!

The world is full of poor sales metrics=> Sales Leadership then sets the bar too low for the sales pipeline => A CEO believes that bar and hires more low performers thinking they are great.

(The root of the problem really is bad sales people trying to normalize their untrained performance. But the gold standard for an SDR is 2 meetings book per day. That’s 40/mo on average. You know I know what I’m talking about based on this paragraph right here!)

That’s Why I Created the PTV Method. To raise the bar!



SDR Meetings/day


AE – Discos to Demos


Demos See Quotes


1st Year Quota

Hear from a CEO

Jonathan is one of the most hardworking and thoughtful sales executives I’ve worked with. He truly understands how to get to a prospect’s pain point quickly and guide them through a consultative process that leads to big ticket enterprise sales. Amazingly, he’s been able to close large deals even for prospects who had recently signed with a competitor – while they’re still under contract. That takes a lot of skill and persistence and he shared the [PTV METHOD] techniques on a podcast we did together. He does not wait for a lead to be handed to him – he picks up the phone and proactively finds business. Any organization doing enterprise sales would be lucky to have him – their revenue will start to go up quickly. I highly recommend him. Anyone wanting coaching from him, will also get more than their money’s worth!

Raj Khera

3X CEO, MoreBusiness.com & MakeMedia.com

